Flexible Dockside Conveyors

Flexible Gravity Conveyors

NestaFlex Gravity 376PL Skate Wheel Series
The NestaFlex 376PL is the leading expandable gravity conveyor for your high volume shipping needs and can be equipped with several engineered options including guide track and herringbone transition to help enhance productivity.

NestaFlex Gravity 376AL/FL Skate Wheel Series
The NestaFlex 376 AL/FL is an extremely durable, heavy duty, gravity conveyor that provides the strength necessary to handle heavy cartons in high volume applications. The AL in the model name stands for adjustable legs and the FL stands for fixed legs. The only difference between the models is that the FL elevations are preset based on the specific application.

NestaFlex Gravity 226 Skate Wheel Series
The NestaFlex gravity 226 is a light-medium duty, gravity conveyor that is designed to handle multi-sized cartons in low to medium volume applications.

NestaFlex Gravity 200 RLS Roller Series
The NestaFlex gravity 200roller is a light-medium duty, gravity conveyor that is designed to handle odd shaped boxes, drums, and pails in low to medium volume applications.