Conveyor Center

Lift-Tool... The Go Anywhere, Do Anything, Tool That No Workbench, Service Van, or Maintenance Cart Should Be Without!
A Lift-Tool is like having a personal assistant with you at all times. Whenever you need an extra pair of hands to hold or position something for you, the Lift-Tool is the answer.
• It's Lightweight - So it can go anywhere
• It's Rugged - So it helps with those big jobs (up to 300 lbs.)
• It's Powered by Your Cordless Drill - So you won't get all tangled up in electrical cords or air hoses
Southworth Product Line
Lift Tables • Turntables
• Pallet Handling Equipment
• Container Tilters • Portable Lifter Transporters •
Stackers • Dock Lifts
• Stainless Steel Equipment •
Vertical Conveyors • Coil & Roll Handling
Prefer to look at a catalog? Full Line Flyer PDF